Friday 9 December 2011

What I Have Learned

Parity shoot.
From this shoot, I have learned that it is important that all the members of your group feel as if they are involved.
I have learned that it is very hard to try and recreate a piece of media from an earlier piece, this is probably why most film remakes aren't as true to the original.
I have learned that effects and background colouring play big parts in setting the mood & atmosphere of the piece.
I have learned that foley is very hard to try and create but it is more effective than ripping an audio file and using that.
I have also learned that very little dialogue is more effective to setting the scene than lots of dialogue explaining what is going on.

What I Have Learned

Dexter shoot.
I have learned that I need to have all of my groups numbers in case of emergency (or my phone gets stolen.)
I have also learned that it is near enough impossible to shoot something over one day so continuity is very important and very hard to make true.
I have learned that you definitely need to film 5 seconds before and after you shoot the scene, it makes batch capturing so much easier, something we learned the hard way.
I learned that it's quite hard to get actors at last minute and you need to confirm people at least a week before hand.