Tuesday 11 October 2011

Independant Evaluation

1. Complete - who did what? Level 2- 11 marks
Abbie - camera operator
Danica & Joe - actors
Abbie, Joe & Sophie - editors, however due to technical problems, and I had to leave for another lesson, Abbie & Sophie edited the final copy (there were two, the one I edited didn't have audio working)

2. Useful research & demonstrate learning? Level 2/3 - 11/12 marks
I researched final cut pro but i didn't understand it properly until I actually used it. Sir helped me learn how to export it as AVI finals after school one day and other people had to show me how to batch capture, as Danica had already learned how to use it beforehand.

3. Care/creativity in the presentation? Level 2 - 10 mark
I think i took care in the presentation, but it wasn't that creative. I prefer typing with images over recording audio, especially when having to listen/read it back. Some times, we did actually record ourselves, or video ourselves (the rating video with Maisy & Chris)

4. Time Management? (4 hours per week) Level 2 - 9 marks
I don't believe it looks like 4 hours per week because I haven't posted everytime I've reviewed a thriller film, or evaluated a class.

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