Friday 20 April 2012

My ideas towards the evaluations

In the form of a Prezi.

A - Our target audience is 16 - 25 year olds of both genders.
M - We got the word out using social networking sites.
J - Most of friends on these sites fit this age bracket.
*Screen captures of the Youtube demographic charts & sending the video link to our friends*

As Pumping Heart Productions, we grew from our Parity remake. Parity is a previous AS media opening (thriller as well!) Parity was our first project as a team and taught us that it’s pretty much impossible to complete a media film in one day. We learnt Match On Action, Shot / Reverse Shot & the 180 degree rule.

*Pictures of usage of the three techniques in Parity along side pictures of usage of the techniques in DBA*
Problems that occur in most media shoots: equipment, reshoots, faulty camera tapes & getting everyone on location. Whilst we had less problems in Parity, we still learnt from both experiences. We definitely felt that our skills in these techniques are stronger in DBA which you can tell!
(In the form of a Prezi)

Mockumentary script ideas:
Boy & girl enter a room. They sit down together. 
Boy: Hey did you see that new thriller film? Dead by Alliance?
Girl: Yeah, it was really good, I like how they appealed to us as an audience.
B: The way they used dark and intense music to capture our attention
G: Also mirrored in the dark lighting and dark scenery.
B: I would definitely watch it again, the characters were interesting and you could see how they developed over the course of the movie.
G: Not as developed as that amazing storyline! It was unexpected but not drawn out and hard to understand. It flowed with the pace of the movie really good, I would definitely watch it again!
B: I can see how it took inspiration from other thriller films such as Se7en, yet was it's own film in it's own right, I hope they do a sequel. 

This is the draft of the script for the video we were going to do - however, we are now doing a mockumentary.
A - So the audience for our media project are 16-25 year olds for both genders.
*M&J appear*
M&J - Like us!
A - this is because most thrillers are aimed at people like them!
M - We played onto this stereotype of most people in this age range liking thrillers. 
J - We did use older actors though (with one being our age)
M - So how did we reach our audience?
A - Facebook and other social networking sites
J - This is because most of our 'friends' on these sites are our age.
M - Therefore sharing the link and bugging our friends, means they'll see it
A - We appealed to them in the story line via kidnap, army and loss of loved ones. 
M - These are common themes in (typically) successful thriller films.

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