Wednesday 9 November 2011

Analysing Ratings

Rear Window is a timeless classic thriller. Most popular with males under 18, this could be down to the fact that older family members are teaching them what a real thriller looks like. 31.4% rated it 10/10. Unsurprising. It just proves that to have an amazing thriller, you don't need the latest technology or the best actors/actresses. If you have a good director and plot line, the film can easily become a classic. Just like the timeless Rear Window.

Dark Knight is the newest Batman film (as of yet.) Once again, we see that the males under 18 are the ones that have watched this most. Already we see a pattern of males under 18 seeing thrillers more often then any other age/gender category. 49.7% have rated it 10/10 which isn't all too surprising. The Dark Knight is truly a bold, yet successful step for the Batman series, but a step in the right direction.

Inception is the most confusing thriller that people have ever watched. The dream within a dream plotline hooks the viewer as they attempt to figure out what is going on. Again, males under 18 watched this most, as with the previous two thrillers. 49.5% recommend it and give it 10/10. Inception is the first of a new line of thrillers maybe? Either way, Inception is a must see thriller.

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